Allows Circuit Bypass and Current Testing for 12V DC Relays
The Relay Bypass Switch with Amp Loop energizes fuel pumps and any 12V relay by powering a DC motor for testing. It also makes DC motor actuation and current monitoring easy. By attaching an Amp Clamp or Lab Scope, you can monitor the current or amperage readings. It allows a technician to judge the health of the DC electric motor to identify if a motor is drawing more current than specified, or if the current load is inconsistent during operation.

Features and Benefits
• Control relay circuit independent of “key-on/key-off” systems
• Run all automotive, 12V DC motors with a push of a switch
• Simplifies fuel injection testing
• Use in conjunction with clamp-on Amp Probes and Lab Scopes
• Operating range: Up to 20 amp continuous, 30 amp surge (12V)
• Covers most makes and models

Also Available From Innovative Products of America..

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