10″ Foam-Filled Wheel


10″ Foam-Filled Wheel

  • 7900K-48A

10″ Foam-Filled Wheel

Replacement part (1 Tire) for the following units: #9060, #9060C, #9062, #9062C, #9004M, #9007M, #9008-DL, #9008-SE, #9049M, #M2000, the DTP series, and the #9046 series.

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Price $38.95

In Stock
Ships Within 1 Business Day


Replacement part (1 Tire) for the following units: #9060, #9060C, #9062, #9062C, #DTP20C, #DTP20C-BIO, #9008-DL, #9008-SE, #9007M, #9004M, #M2000, #9046F, #9046H, #9046FH, #9049M

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