Diamond Grinding Wheels

1: Grind  2: Cut  3: Undercut

For Grinding, Deburring, Surface Prepping, Cutting Sheet Metal, Fiberglass and More!

The 3-in-1 Diamond Grinding Wheels revolutionized the abrasives industry. Through the use of a unique core bonding technology, these grinding wheels last longer and outperform with far less sparks and odor than traditional grinding wheels for fast cutting, back cutting, gully grinding and bead finishing. With three different cutting areas on each wheel, the 3-in-1 Diamond Grinding Wheels grind, cut and undercut, providing unmatched access and versatility for countless applications.


Features and Benefits:

  • Outperform standard grinding wheels; maintain diameter, last longer and cut faster
  • Core bonding technology increases wheel life a minimum of 2,000% (20X) by exposing the full diamond particles which provides maximum grinding performance
  • Access hard-to-reach areas
  • Low sparks, odor and debris
  • Saves time and cost
  • Available in three sizes: 4.5″, 3″, 2″
a grinding wheel with the number 8120 on it

#8120 2″ 3-in-1 Diamond Grinding Wheel

a close up of a diamond grinding wheel on a white background

#8151 3″ 3-in-1 Diamond Grinding Wheel

#8150 4.5″ 3-in-1 Diamond Grinding Wheel

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4.5″ 3-in-1 Diamond Grinding Wheel

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